I also thought this would be an interesting way to show you my creative process. I very easily get impatient and I do not like waiting. There are a lot of times where you have to wait, mostly for things to dry or set. While I'm waiting I like to keep my hands moving, so I move on to another project. Even with a clean table it quickly evolves into this mess. I tend to get into these very agressively creative mindsets where I have fifty ideas and I want to work on all of them. I don't want to take a break, not even for the bathroom, I really don't want to interrupt this creative "mood." The waiting, to me, could do that. So I maintain the mindset by keeping it working. And bam, my desk explodes with art supplies.
If you look at the picture you can see a sculpey mockette I've shown before. I just painted it and poured gel medium around it. I'm hoping the gell will dry and look like water, or rather, look like glass trying to look like water. I will be showing it to an engineer tomorrow to get some ideas for construction of these sculptures. Should be interesting. I'll let you all know how that goes.
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