This is a small painting that I completed about a month ago. I haven't displayed it yet, as I'm still deciding how I should frame/mount. I think that is the hardest part. You finish a piece, and it's not yet it's not considered complete until you frame or bolt to a pedestel or something. You don't want to cheaper the piece, but at the same time you need to make it ready to display so you can show it. (Can't just lay it on a table and hope people will respect it.) Of course I made things more complicated by putting the clayboard on it's point.
The imagery in this came from a drawing I did last year called Open mouths and Empty Heads. The piece was done more to play with the surface and paint (I used gouache on a clay-coated massonite) rather than do anything specific in terms of a statement, unlike the drawing mentioned. But it could be argued that the empty heads with open mouths represent all the garbaged spewed out by the media, politicians and others. Something is coming or about to come out of their mouths, but who knows what the hell it is, and you can expect that it has very little value. This piece is 4x4 inches and will be available for purchase when I have figured out the whole mounting/framing thing. This was image was taken in the overcast sunlight outside, so it is safe to say that the color is pretty true-to-life.
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