Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Copper Sacs

These (collectively) are the first official piece made in grad school.  Really rough, larger than my previous works, and the first in a long time to lack an architectural/industrial structure to them.  When formally displayed, they will be suspended from the ceiling with monofilament (clear fishing line), staggered at eye level (give or take 5 feet from the ground).  I am considering adding another element to them, but for now this is it.  In two weeks CGU will have a show representing all the first year students called 27+3.  This is my piece for the show.
The piece references an organic fragility.  While made of metal, the forms are light, airy, and delicate like egg shells.  They will be patina'ed black and sanded lightly to reveal shiny copper highlighting the bumps and wrinkles in the metal.  Construction techniques include raising, forging, and soldering.

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